Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dreams of Becoming an Artist

I've dreamed of becoming an artist. I labor over a drawing, and when it is finished I tuck it back into the wedding planner binder that my sister used for her wedding and is now used for my art. Every day I pull it out again, a pencil in my hand and a critical gleam in my eye. I inspect it from all angles, fixing and touching up the lines. I always wonder whether or not I should take it downstairs to show to my mother and sister. Realizing at that moment that I am craving praise, I stuff it back into the binder. Maybe someone will find the binder and start peeking through it. If they like it, they can praise me silently, and I will never know of it.

I often stare at real art and wish I was as talented and artistic as real artists, but I know I should be satisfied with what gifts I have been given. God give me the satisfaction I need.

Here is a piece of art that I adore. I love the fact that the lady's features aren't perfect, but she is still beautiful. Her eyes are gorgeous and her hair is so lovely. It seems so soft and the color is so pretty. How I would love to have hair like that!

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