Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dress a Day: Thursday

Today's the last day for this week's Dress a Day. I need to do it again soon. It was really fun!
Here's Thursday's Marchesa one shoulder gown! Isn't this color so beautiful? I might like the dress a little more if it did not have the slit, but it still looks amazing.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dress a Day: Wednesday

I was thinking about how much I love dresses with long skirts. And then I realized that I own none. Boohoo. Perhaps when I get a job I could save up for one. Perhaps.
This dress is stunning!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dress a Day: Tuesday

Today has been really busy, so I'll make this short and sweet. I'm getting kind of sad that we are two days away from ending the Dress a Day week. :(
Below is Tuesday's long dress.
The feather adds a nice touch. It is really sophisticated.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dress a Day: Monday

Oh, I should have added in Thursday's post that I was not going to do one for Sunday. Sunday was purposely skipped. It was not an accident. Sunday is our family day since everybody comes over.

Anyway, here you go! This is a beautiful J. Crew dress.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dress a Day: Saturday

Okay, here's another one in a row. I'm uber tired from my crazy sleepover. Maybe I should catch a nap?

Here's your picture for Saturday. Selena Gomez looks absolutely gorgeous!

Dress a Day: Friday Makeup

I missed Friday's Dress a Day post, but I do have an explanation for this. Yesterday was my birthday party, and boy was it ca-razy getting prepared for it! My amazing sisters hosted it (since my mother is still repairing), and they did a wonderful job. So, I hope you will forgive my absence on this blog yesterday.
Here is your picture! Isn't this color amazing?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dress a Day: Thursday

So, I know I've been bad about posting, but I do have a decent enough excuse. My mother had jaw surgery about two weeks back, and thing have just kind of been uber crazy. So to make it easy, this next week I will post a dress with long skirts that I absolutely adore each day. So here goes!

Isn't this just gorgeous?!! I love how the boots go with it too.